A Message from Pastor Dave

Pagosa Bible Church has a history of impacting lives and our community. As we continue to follow Jesus into the future, we have recognized the need to expand our current facility to enhance and expand our mission of helping people know Christ and make Him known. The Lord has provided abundantly to help us reach this point. We are trusting in His provision for this next step in our church's story.

As we move forward, this is a journey of prayer. Please pray for God to guide and give wisdom to the elders as they seek God's direction for our church. Pray also for the unity of our congregation and that we will continue to grow as a church that makes an impact in Pagosa and beyond.

The Vision for the Expansion

A Place to Gather
 People are hungry for relationships. In the expansion we will have a large fellowship area to facilitate relational connection along with a real kitchen to enhance our ability to do this.
Safe and Dedicated Space for Children and Youth
 The expansion will expand and enhance our ability to minister to youth and children. It will allow us to provide an even better experience as we minister to the next generation.
Love Pagosa
 We are a church that loves our community. This expansion will allow us to serve our community even more than we do right now and open up further opportunities for people to hear the gospel. 
A Place to Build Up the Body for God's Mission
We seek to root people in God's word. This expansion would provide great space that is accessible and easy to use for small groups and bible classes so we can build people up to serve the Lord in greater ways.

What are we planning to build?

 Below are the sketches we have had done for expansion. When completed this would approximately 10,000 square feet of ministry space to our facility. On the first floor (left picture) this would mainly be a large fellowship area along with a real kitchen and additional classroom to go with new office space. The second floor will be safe and dedicated space for our nursery, children's and youth ministry. 

Impact Newsletters - Keep up with what is happening with the Campaign

 June Newsletter                                         July Newsletter                                                   August Newsletter


Do we need to expand?
Yes, we are coming up against the limits of our current facility. Our building is used all throughout the week which is great! We have small groups and bible studies, children and youth ministry, support groups, team meetings and more. While we work hard to accommodate as many meetings and groups as possible, our building was not designed to have multiple meetings at the same time. We see the opportunity to minister to more people through the expansion and being able to provide greater space to strengthen our congregation as well as serving our community.
Will the building project take away money from ministry?
The elders are committed to not have the expansion take away funds for ministry or missions. The Lord has blessed PBC with a generous and faithful congregation. In planning the elders have been looking at what additional expenses we can take on in relation to the building so that funding to ministry and missions is not affected.

We firmly believe that God will provide all the resources necessary to accomplish His will for our church body,. This includes individuals using their spiritual gifts, finances to accomplish the ministry to which He calls us, and a building to facilitate that ministry well.
How much will this cost?
The elders are working on this and more details will be coming soon.
Are we doing this to build a school for Pagosa Valor Academy?
No. The vision for the expansion is something God has given to our leadership. The plans were designed to expand and enhance our ministry, meet our needs and fit with our plans.

Our church's vision also includes serving and loving our community and we already host a number of community groups and events. We continue to be open to others who align with our values using our facility but this expansion was not designed with any outside group's use in mind.
Will we borrow money to do this?
We would love to not have to borrow in order to build. The reality however, is that most churches cannot build debt free. This is the same for individuals. Most cannot build or buy without borrowing.

Scripture does not forbid debt. It does teach that this is to be done wisely and carefully. We are not to borrow beyond our means to repay and the elders have discussed this possibility. Our commitment is that if we do need to borrow, to not go beyond our means or to sacrifice current ministry to do so.
When do I give?
Once we have received the Commitment Cards from everyone on Sept. 29th, the elders will meet and determine if we have the funds to go forward. Whatever is decided, we will communicate this to the congregation along with your next step of when to start giving or what we will do if we don't have the funding right now.

In Luke 14 Jesus tells some parables about the importance of counting the cost before you begin so that you know you can finish the project. The elders will be prayerfully seeking God's wisdom and direction as they make these decisions.

Your Invitation

We invite you to be part of the Impact Journey. What this means is to be engaged in hearing what God is doing through impact. We also invite you to pray. To be praying for God's will and direction for our church and for you to be praying for what God would have you do as part of this journey.